2022 Family Business Cohort

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Explore four key Family Business topics:

The tough conversations

How to have the difficult (money) discussions with your family. These are often avoided because they are "uncomfortable" or you don't know where to begin. Tough conversations are a crucial part of Succession & Estate Planning.

Succession & Estate Planning

What is the role and process of each type of plan, how do they intersect, and who should be involved? Where does the process begin and end?

Financial Considerations

Gifting versus selling, financial needs for retirement, financial capacity of the next generation leaders, and value of the Ccompany. Comprehensive financial planning and thoughtful solutions are key!

Fostering Innovation

How do you simultaneously honor legacy, foster innovation, and balance risk management in a family business? Learn best practices for next generation leaders and implement new ideas, backed by the confidence of the current generation.



Phone: 808-545-4111
Email: celine@bcrhawaii.com

Applications must be submitted by January 20, 2022

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application form for the UBS/BCR Learning Cohorts

This is our inaugural Family Business Cohort and is offered to five families with our compliments.  All future programs will be charged an attendance fee.

Applications must be submitted by January 20, 2022

Selected families will be notified in February 2022.

Download Our Family Business Deck Today

Download Our About Us Deck Today


Join us

Network, connect, grow, and develop as a woman leader in your family enterprise with WLife!  When you join WLife, it’s more than just a membership organization.  You’re joining a community of strong aspiring female leaders.  WLife offers an annual conference for all members and provides an annual research study that addresses the unique situations that impact women in family owned businesses  


For more information about WLife…

BCR Mission

BCR strives to offer the best quality services to our clients and community. We are passionate about what we do and immerse ourselves in our client’s visions and goals. Their success is how we see our success.

BCR Vision

Paying it forward and helping others grow and prosper is a value that we don’t just talk about; we live it. As BCR has expanded across a global market, we make it a habit to work with non-profit organizations at significantly reduced fees and provide pro-bono work to support many small businesses. We take great pride in supporting the communities that BCR connects with, the same communities that gave BCR its humble beginning 40 years ago.

Helping Clients Build A Better Quality of Life

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